Save lives with production capacity, Beyond Medical "full fire"
Release time:
2021-06-01 09:04
Since the beginning of April, India has had a second outbreak of new coronary pneumonia, and the continued deterioration has caused global concern, with the demand for oxygen generators and ventilators in South Asia exploding and even on the verge of spiraling out of control.
The lack of medical resources (ventilators, oxygen cylinders, oxygen generators) has led to the emergency of crematoria for the disposal of corpses, and even the dumping of corpses into the Ganges... The scene of "human purgatory" is staged in India.
In order to help India fight the epidemic, Byan Medical, under the direction of the company's leadership, rapidly expanded the production capacity of the ventilator, with the full capacity to save lives.
All employees "fire" and work overtime. In order to ensure the smoothness of the production line, even lunch is eaten in batches and in turn, only to ensure the production of the best quality products, with the fastest delivery. Since the beginning of April, Byan Medical has shipped large quantities of ventilators and injection pumps, contributing to India's fight against the epidemic.
Life, Ventilator, India, Medical, Body, Beginning of Month, Full, Guarantee, Production, Shipment
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